Banning Porn - State, National, or Both?
In light of the moral and cultural decline in Western Civilization, and America in particular, the debate on whether and how to ban pornography has been renewed. Prominent personalities, such as Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, and Timothy Gordon, have given their arguments in favor of such a ban over the past few weeks. Tim Gordon in particular, with his brother David, gave their opinions on this moral issue in a recent episode of Rules for Retrogrades . Firstly, it should be obvious that I am vehemently in favor of banning pornography. It is intrinsically evil. It makes men stupid, weak, and impotent animals. The fact that previous attempts to ban pornography have been struck down as unconstitutional, as a violation of “freedom of expression,” is a moral stain for which God shall judge America. Ironically, it’s partially true following the logic, or rather illogic, of “liberty” upon which this country was founded. The above points, save for the last, are those u...